Looking for some relatable and funny entertainment? You have found the right place. Sit back and get ready to laugh as our guest and local resident, Kak, tells a number of stories ranging from childhood through adulthood. The journey visits a local remote area called The Cove, an old mining town, Trafford, and a private lake with large bass and questionable groundskeepers. We hope that you will be able to escape to some new places and meet some new people through the power of story. As always, we hope you enjoy the show.
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Country Cursive - Our Story Language
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Making our show possible:
- Eiland Law - https://www.eiland-law.com/
- Precision Graphics - https://www.precisiongraphicsinc.net
- Thermal Hunting - https://thermalhunting.com
- Vantage Plus LLC - https://vantageplus.us
- West Blount Lawn and Tractor - https://westblountlawn.com
Hayden Alabama Podcast Music written and produced by Jeff Marsh
Need your own music produced? Contact Jeff - [email protected] - 205-601-3313
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Dennis "Dink" Martin is a powerful storyteller who opened for legendary southern storyteller, Jerry Clower. We consider ourselves blessed to have spent time with...
Shane, Phil, and Jeremiah discuss the following topics: 1. Round-About construction 2. Varsity Boys Basketball at Dora 3. Disadvantage of growing-up in a small...
Our experiences in life form and shape each one of us. We are proud to tell some stories with Gregg Armstrong and learn the...