Keith and Matthew enriched our time with stories from the farm, roadways, and Arizona. We believe this storytelling holds something for almost anyone. If you don't get a few laughs, let us know, and we will pray for you.
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- Precision Graphics (Printing, Screen-Printing, and Embroidery) -
#smalltown #rural #story #stories #storytelling #laugh #funny #humor #country #southern #storyteller #storytime #truestories #ruralstories #countrystories #countryliving #ruralliving #countrylife #Southernstories #southernstorytellers #alabama #podcast #podcasts #podcast #podcastshow #haydenalabamapodcast #clean #cleanvideo #cleancontent #dad #dadlife #farmers #farm
Introduction - 00:00-01:09
Storytelling - 01:10-50:17
Scripture Time - 50:18-54:09
Closing Time - 54:10-55:12
Some of the most exciting stories I have ever heard have been told by firefighters and emergency professionals. This week we are joined by...
High School. Likely, just the phrase generates some emotion, and you must admit some good times and memories were created there. Mr. Mills and...
Dennis "Dink" Martin is a powerful storyteller who opened for legendary southern storyteller, Jerry Clower. We consider ourselves blessed to have spent time with...