Gerald and Terry join the show this week to tell a range of stories that will lift you to another time and place. The stories widely range from farming to 18-wheeler trucking and everything in-between. As an unplanned bonus, they share some stories about the history of Bangor and Blount Springs, Alabama.
Helping make this show possible:
#storytelling #ruralliving #smalltown #haydenalabama #smalltowns #rurallife #rural #story #stories #funny #laugh #humor #podcast #haydenalabamapodcast #farming #trucking #blountsprings
Introduction: 00:00-00:54
Story 1 - 00:55-03:45
Story 2 - 03:46-04:53
Story 3 - 04:54-06:17
Story 4 - 06:18-07:50
Story 5 - 07:51-09:40
Story 6 - 09:41-10:46
Story 7 - 10:47-11:50
Story 8 - 11:51-15:00
Story 9 - 15:01-23:39
Story 10 - 23:40-24:56
Story 11 - 24:57-25:32
Story 12 - 25:33-27:22
Story 13 - 27:23-30:55
Story 14 - 30:56-32:37
Story 15 - 32:38-34:06
Story 16 - 34:07-35:25
Story 17 - 35:26-36:20
Story 18 - 36:21-37:50
Final Words - 37:51-38:23
Prepare to be captivated as we journey to Centre, Alabama, for a taste of Southern hospitality at its finest – a chitterling cookout. Amidst...
This is an "Explosive" episode in more than one way. Daryl joins us after a 30 year career in the blasting industry to share...
Job, in the Bible, lived out some horrifying years which are difficult to read, much less think of living. Jeremy Powell did not experience...