Gerald and Terry join the show this week to tell a range of stories that will lift you to another time and place. The stories widely range from farming to 18-wheeler trucking and everything in-between. As an unplanned bonus, they share some stories about the history of Bangor and Blount Springs, Alabama.
Helping make this show possible:
#storytelling #ruralliving #smalltown #haydenalabama #smalltowns #rurallife #rural #story #stories #funny #laugh #humor #podcast #haydenalabamapodcast #farming #trucking #blountsprings
Introduction: 00:00-00:54
Story 1 - 00:55-03:45
Story 2 - 03:46-04:53
Story 3 - 04:54-06:17
Story 4 - 06:18-07:50
Story 5 - 07:51-09:40
Story 6 - 09:41-10:46
Story 7 - 10:47-11:50
Story 8 - 11:51-15:00
Story 9 - 15:01-23:39
Story 10 - 23:40-24:56
Story 11 - 24:57-25:32
Story 12 - 25:33-27:22
Story 13 - 27:23-30:55
Story 14 - 30:56-32:37
Story 15 - 32:38-34:06
Story 16 - 34:07-35:25
Story 17 - 35:26-36:20
Story 18 - 36:21-37:50
Final Words - 37:51-38:23
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Slow down and sit a spell with us as some great stories are told about a time where story is the only vehicle to...