Everyday, we all pick our spots or make decisions that lead us different places. Every story you are about to hear comes from times where we picked our spots and now, the story is all that is left. Watching will be like a trip down on old back road where you never know what you will see next. Sit back and get ready to enjoy some great stories from some great storytellers. We hope you will enjoy the show and share it with someone else who will enjoy it too.
New Merch is in!: https://countrycursive-haydenalpodcast.itemorder.com/shop/home/
We love our show sponsors and think you will too:
- Eiland Law - https://www.eiland-law.com/
- Precision Graphics (Printing, Screen-Printing, and Embroidery) - https://www.precisiongraphicsinc.net
Andrew Conway's Contact Information: TikTok: @andrewsoutherncadence
YouTube: Andrew Southern Cadence
Facebook: Andrew Conway
To schedule speaking: [email protected]
#smalltown #rural #story #stories #storytelling #laugh #funny #humor #country #southern #storyteller #storytime #truestories #ruralstories #countrystories #countryliving #ruralliving #countrylife #Southernstories #southernstorytellers #alabama #podcast #podcasts #podcast #podcastshow #haydenalabamapodcast #clean #cleanvideo #cleancontent
Introduction - 00:00-02:00
Storytelling - 02:01-01:01:44
Andrew's Testimony - 01:01:44-01:22:44
Scripture Time - 01:22:45-01:25:27
Closing Time - 01:25:28-01:28:32
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