We all get carried away in certain situations. Sometimes the intensity applied to these scenarios creates a good story. We have one of those this week. Also, we listen to some tales about bad situations that led to lessons learned and after-the-fact laughs. We hope you enjoy the storytelling this week.
Watch the show and more on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Op9t4QStJgM
New Merch is in!: https://countrycursive-haydenalpodcast.itemorder.com/shop/home/
We love our show sponsors and think you will too:
- Eiland Law - https://www.eiland-law.com/
- Precision Graphics (Printing, Screen-Printing, and Embroidery) - https://www.precisiongraphicsinc.net
Check out Dave's music: YouTube: @DavidSims-Music
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Introduction - 00:00-02:47
Storytelling - 02:48-01:17:27
Scripture Time - 01:17:28-01:22:03
Word Game - 01:22:04-01:23:17
Closing Time - 01:23:18-01:24:27
A Cold Springs, Alabama resident and Iraqi Veteran joins us on the show this week. One theme runs throughout the episode--unexpected sightings and events....
Shane and I have done a lot of clowning around during our ramblings together, but we have never clowned on the professional level. However,...
We drove over to Atlanta, Georgia to record a bonus episode at the Sitka store in the Battery. Get ready to hear some great...