Shane and I have done a lot of clowning around during our ramblings together, but we have never clowned on the professional level. However, our guest, Casey, has stepped foot into that world. He sits down with us to share some of his most memorable clowning, ministry, and farming stories. We had a blast during this time of fellowship and hope you will be able to report the same.
New Merch is in!:
We love our show sponsors and think you will too:
- Eiland Law -
- Precision Graphics (Printing, Screen-Printing, and Embroidery) -
Casey's Contact Information:
YouTube: @cookinwithcasey
Facebook: Cookin'withCaseyMinistries
#smalltown #rural #story #stories #storytelling #laugh #funny #humor #country #southern #storyteller #storytime #truestories #ruralstories #countrystories #countryliving #ruralliving #countrylife #Southernstories #southernstorytellers #alabama #podcast #podcasts #podcast #podcastshow #haydenalabamapodcast #clean #cleanvideo #cleancontent
Introduction - 00:00-01:53
Storytelling - 01:54-01:01:07
Scripture Time - 01:01:08-01:05:16
Word Game - 01:05:17-01:07:24
Closing Time - 01:07:25-01:08:50
I gave my mom and dad all they could handle from time to time when I was growing up, but another level existed which...
This is an "Explosive" episode in more than one way. Daryl joins us after a 30 year career in the blasting industry to share...
Shane and I were introduced to Eddie Salter when he guested on the T.K. and Mike Turkey Hunting episode. When knew then that Eddie...