I am a sucker for a good success story and good stories in general. This week we cover both. Darien Craig is a Hayden boy and co-owner of Y'all Sweet Tea which is located here in our hometown. Get ready for some laughter this week as we tell some tales from the past and present.
Checked out our apparel lately?: https://countrycursive-haydenalpodcast.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Wanna Try Y'all Sweet TEA?....Get 10% OFF Order with code: HAP
Y'all Sweet Tea Information:
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/yallsweettea
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dariencraig/
Sponsors Helping Us Tell Stories Every Week:
- Eiland Law - https://www.eiland-law.com/
- Precision Graphics (Printing, Screen-Printing, and Embroidery) - https://www.precisiongraphicsinc.net
- Vantage Plus LLC (New Home Construction) - https://vantageplus.us
- West Blount Lawn and Tractor - https://westblountlawn.com
- White Real Estate - https://www.whiterealestate.com/realestateagent/search
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We drove over to Atlanta, Georgia to record a bonus episode at the Sitka store in the Battery. Get ready to hear some great...
Everyday, we all pick our spots or make decisions that lead us different places. Every story you are about to hear comes from times...
Remember elementary school? Those simple days of lunch boxes, recess, and number two pencils... We've got a delightful new episode that'll transport you right...