I Think We Been Caught | Storytelling | Episode 73

Episode 73 July 11, 2024 00:47:27
I Think We Been Caught | Storytelling | Episode 73
Hayden Alabama Podcast
I Think We Been Caught | Storytelling | Episode 73

Jul 11 2024 | 00:47:27


Show Notes

I don't think they paddle in public school like they did back in the 80's and 90's. However, we remember some that we got. Join us today as we tell some stories about lessons learned back in school, a heart transplant, and a little back road juke-joint called the Sugar Creek Music Club.

Hey! We appreciate you listening and want you to know. Sincerely, Thank-You!

Sugar Creek Music Club Info: Website - https://sugarcreekmusicclub.com/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SugarCreekMusicClub/

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Visit our Website: https://www.haydenalabamapodcast.com

Please check out our sponsors to see if they can meet any needs that you may have:

- Eiland Law - https://www.eiland-law.com/

- Precision Graphics (Printing, Screen-Printing, and Embroidery) - https://www.precisiongraphicsinc.net

- Vantage Plus LLC (New Home Construction) - https://vantageplus.us

- West Blount Lawn and Tractor - https://westblountlawn.com

- White Real Estate - https://www.whiterealestate.com/realestateagent/search


#smalltown #rural #story #stories #storytelling #laugh #funny #humor #country #southern #storyteller #Storytime #truestories #ruralstories #countrystories #countryliving #ruralliving #countrylife #Southernstories #southernstorytellers #funnystories #funnysouthernvideos #alabama #alabamamusic #transplantsurvivor

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