The Hayden community has been presented with a ripe opportunity to support a cause which will benefit kids and their families. Phillip and Shane discuss the ongoing donation and raffle to build the community football field and provide you with supporter information so that you can donate to this worthy cause. Next, deer season is upon us, and the guys share their favorite deer story to get ready for opening day of thunder-stick season. Lastly, they discuss the mysterious subject of dogs in our community Facebook groups, but specifically, how they seem to always be missing or lost. We hope you enjoy the show and will share it with someone else who may enjoy it as well.
#haydenalabamapodcast #haydenalabama #hayden #smalltown #smalltowns #community #fundraiser
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Truckers truly get to see it all! This week our stories will center upon first-hand accounts of the challenges and triumphs of a retired...
A Cold Springs, Alabama resident and Iraqi Veteran joins us on the show this week. One theme runs throughout the episode--unexpected sightings and events....
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