Latest Episodes

Have Christmas Celebrations Changed? | Southern Storytelling with Sue and Dillon | Episode 97
Do we celebrate Christmas differently now as compared to 80 years ago? We invite you to listen to Sue and Dillon tells stories of...

U-G-L-Y | Southern Storytelling with Robin and Trent | Episode 96
Robin, aka "The Plowed Dirt", is back by popular demand. He is joined by the hilarious Trent Ellis. Their stories did not disappoint and...

Be the Bear | Southern Storytelling with Dave, Donnie, and Cannon | Episode 95
We all get carried away in certain situations. Sometimes the intensity applied to these scenarios creates a good story. We have one of those...

Clowning Around | Southern Storytelling with Casey | Episode 94
Shane and I have done a lot of clowning around during our ramblings together, but we have never clowned on the professional level. However,...

Danger on the Water | Bonus Episode from Sitka in Atlanta, Georgia
We drove over to Atlanta, Georgia to record a bonus episode at the Sitka store in the Battery. Get ready to hear some great...

Picking Our Spots | Southern Storytelling with Andrew and Jeff | Episode 93
Everyday, we all pick our spots or make decisions that lead us different places. Every story you are about to hear comes from times...