Latest Episodes

Timber! | Southern Storytelling with Joey and George | Episode 92
You ever been advised to not mess with a pulpwood cutter? If you have and wondered why, this episode should provide the answer for...

Opening for a Legend | Southern Storytelling | Episode 91
Dennis "Dink" Martin is a powerful storyteller who opened for legendary southern storyteller, Jerry Clower. We consider ourselves blessed to have spent time with...

Bring Your Sack Lunch | Southern Storytelling | Episode 90
Our experiences in life form and shape each one of us. We are proud to tell some stories with Gregg Armstrong and learn the...

Growing up in Birmingham in the 1950s | Southern Storytelling | Episode 89
Times are changing. Knowing how much they have changed proves hard without an unmovable point of reference. Today, we will measure against the 1950's...

Bull Rider with Cerebral Palsy | Episode 88
Focusing on why we shouldn't be able to accomplish a goal in life can be a detriment to ever accomplishing the desires of our...

Encountering Haints and Other Various Creatures | Episode 87
Good stories can be told from anywhere, but some of the best I have heard have been reborn in a hunting cabin. Step inside...